Saturday, May 5, 2012


Heidi Smith Thompson the gay-bashing criminal has been arrested in North Carolina and charged with theft and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

The gay-bashing bitch has acknowledged her guilt, though she hilariously alleges that her 12-year-old daughter per HER up to STEALING the signs.

Thompson the gay-bashing bigot stole lawn signs against the proposed Bigot Ballot in North Carolina.  The gay-bashing hate measure would codify anti-gay discrimination into the state constitution while also stripping rights from couples -- gay and straight -- in civil unions and domestic partnerships.  Children of couples gay and/or straight in domestic partnerships and civil unions also would be stripped of rights and benefits as a result of the gay-bashing attitudes of monsters like Heidi Thompson. When a professional gay-bashing group in the state attempted to find one CEO to speak in favor of the proposed gay-bashing amendment, the bigots came a cropper.  By contrast, dozens and dozens of business leaders have spoken out against the hateful bigot ballot.

One gay rights activist -- alarmed that Thompson had corrupted her own child by introducing her to a life of criminality -- alerted Moore County Children Protective Services -- and called on officials to investigate.

Thompson runs the "Fun in the Sun Swim Camp" where victims are exposed to her daily Bible study lessons. Evidently, the section of the Bible that reads "Thou shalt not steal" gets skipped over as part of the summer fun in the sun.

A hardened, unrepentant criminal, Thompson the gay bashing bitch told a local reporter that she thinks there was nothing wrong in her breaking laws and using her child as an accomplice -- because "God" is on her side.  Heidi Thompson the gay-bashing bigot wins today's SHIT FOR BRAINS award.

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