Friday, June 10, 2011

Tell Senator Joe Addabo he represents more than 300 gay bashing bigots

Forty-two-thousand-three-hundred-and-two Queens, N.Y. voters voted for New York State Senator Joseph Addabo, Jr. in 2008.  Four hundred people called Senator Addabo about marriage equality in 2009.  He said 74 percent of the people who called him told him they were against marriage equality for gay people.  Instead of listening to the 42,302 people who voted for him, he listened to 300 people who called his office and said they were against marriage equality.

Why did 300 people in Queens call Addabo to tell him to vote for bigotry? Were these callers told by their parish priests to call him.  Did the Archdiocese of New York tell their parishioners to call him?

Public Religion Research Institute reported in their October 2010 report Less than 1-in-5 Give America's Places of Worship High Marks on Handling Issue of Homosexuality:
A plurality (43%) of Americans say the messages coming from places of worship are negative, and 4-in-10 Americans believe that these messages contribute “a lot” to negative perceptions of gay and lesbian people. One-third (33%) of the public also believe that messages from religious bodies are contributing “a lot” to higher rates of suicide among gay and lesbian youth.

CatholicsNYC's Channel  posted these gay bashing videos a few weeks ago.


Maybe the people Addabo heard from were these men who beat up Jack Price on October 8, 2009, 55 days before Senator Joseph Addabo, Jr. voted against marriage equality on December 2, 2009.


Make sure he hears loud and clear that he represents all New Yorkers, not just the 300 gay bashers who call his office.


  1. Senator Addabbo is using his anti-gay constituents as an alibi for voting contemptuously against the rights of his LGBT constituents and of all LGBT New Yorkers. Shame on Senator Addabbo for his past record of voting to perpetuate sexual orientation apartheid in New York. He may redeem himself from that record of shame now by vocally supporting marriage equality and an end to sexual orientation apartheid.

  2. Senator Addabo said he will be voting for marriage equality. It's about time he listened to more than 300 people who were told by the Catholic Church to call him.
