Sunday, June 12, 2011

Archbishop Dolan Rapes Justice, Bullies Church’s Victims, Scapegoats LGBTers

by Scott Rose
            In scapegoating LGBTers, The Catholic Church and New York’s Archbishop Timothy Dolan are succeeding in deflecting public attention from the Church’s totally abhorrent offenses.
            While alleging that marriage equality would cause the downfall of American civilization – and with that preposterous allegation, fanning the flames of anti-gay bigotry in the populace -- the Church is fighting tooth and nail to evade its accountability to the Church’s child molestation and rape victims.
            New York State Senator Thomas Duane has introduced S3333, a proposed law that would lift the statutes of limitations for the prosecution of rape cases, including child rape cases.   What decent human being could possibly oppose such legislation?  Well, Archbishop Dolan opposed similar proposed laws in Wisconsin.  Professor Marci A. Hamilton, holder of the Paul R. Verkuil Chair in Public Law of the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law says this about Dolan: “I battled Timothy Dolan in Wisconsin on this issue and I have no doubt that he is waging a vicious attack against justice for victims of priest sex abuse.  His success in defeating victims in Wisconsin is likely relevant to his promotion to NYC and his appointment as President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  No one should be fooled by his jolly demeanor.  He is both ambitious and merciless when it comes to clergy abuse victims.”
            The Catholic Church in recent years has tried to avoid the fullest possible investigations into its repugnant, multi-pronged victimizations of innocent human beings by alleging it had placed adequate internal controls on Church child rape.  Yet earlier this year, a mind-boggling ring of child sex abuse in the Philadelphia Archdiocese demonstrated that there is no end even remotely in sight to the Church’s sex abuse scandals.  It should be lost on nobody that 37 of the abusive priests mentioned in the Philadelphia indictment cannot be prosecuted because of statutes of limitations.
            The Church, Dolan and all of their thuggish associates -- the so-called National Organization for Marriage, the Knights of Columbus, et cetera – are in cahoots to evade accountability to the Church’s child rape victims and to prevent deterrent measures actually adequate to stopping Church-based sex abuse.  Those members of the Catholic Church who spit on LGBTers by denying them civil rights should literally mind their own business and pressure their Church to behave responsibly towards its child rape victims.  Our elected officials should stop allowing the Church’s thuggish anti-LGBT henchman to operate in the financial shadows.  The source of every penny donated to the National Organization for Marriage should be known before June 20, the end of the current New York State Senate session.  And by the end of that session, marriage equality should be a reality in New York, no matter what the child-rapist-enabler Timothy Dolan thinks of this urgent civil rights cause.

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