Monday, March 26, 2012


by Scott Rose

Laurie Thompson is the frothy-at-the-mouth Evangelical gay-bashing spokes-turd for the Parents Action League, a Southern Poverty Law Center-certified anti-gay hate group.

Thompson, as part of her malicious asshole gay-bashing, loves to talk about the "Judeo-Christian tradition;" -- but -- you can very safely pay this total scumbag Minnesota Hetero-Nazi no mind there, as her only reason for ever referencing Jews most likely is as a reminder to all that if Chaim Moskowitz won't accept Jezee born of a "Virgin" as his "saviour," he's going where the goblins go

Never mind that Jews don't even believe in hell.  

The major Shit-For-Brains Laurie Thompson is so sure that she has the exclusive low-down on the afterlife, that she can with confidence say that were her bigot's tuchus put under oath on a witness stand in a US Court of Law, she could present direct evidence proving beyond a reasonable doubt that both Jews and LGBTers who don't reject their Judaism, and/or their gayness, in favor of accepting the Evangelical version of Jesus as their savior will go to hell, and that her direct evidence for that will create a legal precedent that all US Courts will thereafter be obliged to follow.

As a vicious gay-bashing spokes-turd for the Parents Action League, Laurie Thompson is exceedingly proud -- in her Virgin/Jesus wet-pussy-depths -- of the PAL website, which is OBSESSED with gay human beings, and defining them as sick, but susceptible of being cured through Jesus-inspired-miracles. 

As a gay-bashing bigot, Laurie Thompson and her fellow shit-for-brains Evangelicals did all they could to maintain a public school environment hostile to LGBTers in the Anoka-Hennepin schools.

As is known, those schools settled a massive lawsuit brought against them and, in practical effect, against the noxious influence of the Jesus-homo-haters, in favor of rational, moral, good, strong LGBT acceptance values.  

The settlement of the lawsuit set the famous Shit-for-Brains gay-basher Laurie Thompson on a frothy-at-the-mouth warpath.  You could well wonder if santorum were her speech writer. 

Even before the settlement had been reached, and the Anoka-Hennepin schools were still stigmatizing gay human beings as "controversial," Shit-for-Brains Thompson said this: "I am not . . . confident . . . that this [new] policy will prevent homosexual propaganda from flooding the classrooms."

Got it?  The least favorable word about, or trace of acceptance of gay human beings, is for this nasty Shit-for-Brainer "homosexual propaganda," threatening to "flood" classrooms.

After the settlement, Shit-for-Brains Thompson said that it was the result of the "socialist" Obama waging "all out war against Christianity" and . . you guessed it!  "Judeo-Christian values."

Thompson whined that the settlement was "a travesty" that had cost the school district too much money.  I wrote to ask her if she actually believed that the Anoka-Hennepin schools would have wound up paying less, had the lawsuit gone to trial.  Shit-for-Brains Laurie never answered that question; though the invitation for her to do so remains open.

Here's what S-f-B Laurie Thompson said about her Parents Action League being certified a Southern Poverty Law Center anti-gay hate group.  "It is a privilege." To tell Laurie what you think of her gay-bashing, write to her here:


  1. I'll be featuring you and your blog on my "truth vs tolerance " blog to show how hypocritical, crude, and obnoxious advocates for the gay community really are.
    Thanks for proving my point.

    1. You are a typical cowardly gay-bashing bully, who does your gay-bashing under an assumed internet handle of "truthvstolerance" and does not even have the courage to link your gay-bashing hatred to your name for the public to see. Laurie Thompson does have shit for brains. After she criticized the settlement in the Anoka-Hennepin gay-bashing scandals, she criticized the school district's acceptance of the settlement on the grounds that it cost too much money. But, when asked if she thought the school district would wind up paying less, had the case gone to trial, instead of answering the question, she blasted back with more of her gay-bashing ignorance. The case had been filed with a federal court, with Plaintiffs represented by private lawyers as well as by a civil rights groups, with the US Government also party to the matter. The case was not going to go away because shit-for-brains Laurie Thompson hates gay human beings. Had it not been settled, it would have gone to trial. To criticize it because it cost the school district money is absurd. If the monster gay-basher Laurie Thompson had never egged on her fellow gay bashers, the school district would have been safer for LGBT students and faculty, there wouldn't have been all those student suicides and there wouldn't have been this federal court lawsuit against the school. I use my real name; why don't you? It's because you are a cowardly gay-bashing bigot.
