Saturday, February 4, 2012



After you have read this letter through to the end, print it out and take it to a competent and highly-experienced mental health professional with a specialization in child psychology. Ask that mental health professional this question:

"In taking my daughter Sarah to the Maryland State Senate to deliver an anti-gay-rights speech, was I truly doing what was best for her on her 14th birthday? Was I?"


You have put yourself and your home-schooled 14-year-old daughter Sarah Crank in unacceptable, worrisome positions by having her parrot your lying anti-gay propaganda in front of the Maryland State Senate.

In this open letter to you, I am going to examine your daughter's statements to the Senators one by one.

I know from your online comments about this matter on various websites that you want the world to believe that your daughter Sarah Crank -- (whom you -- in connection with Sarah's anti-gay hate speech -- personally announced to many blogs as the 2011 Junior Miss Greenbelt) -- composed her entire lying anti-gay propaganda hate speech all by herself.  Yet, you also said on the blogs that you helped her to shape and to edit the speech. You specifically said that you "trimmed" it for her, meaning, you had a hand in determining what got included. Furthermore, in many comments on many different websites, you have been fanatical in defending your daughter's lying anti-gay propaganda. You also have a history of many-years-long personal political engagement with lying about gay human beings and attempting to prevent them from having equal protection under the law. You are so addicted to lying about gay human beings that you have no mental means of objectively evaluating whether a thing said about gay human beings is true or not; and you have infected your daughter with your lying anti-gay hatred. All of that makes it hard -- if not impossible -- to believe that your daughter delivered her anti-gay hate speech to the Senate without significant, inappropriate, behind-the-scenes long-term emotional manipulations and forms of coercion from you.

Before I analyze your daughter's speech line by line, I want to make clear that my shock and alarm over your daughter's political anti-gay hate speech includes a concern for her psychological well-being that you in allowing her to make the speech conspicuously lacked. I recommend with urgency that you print this letter out in its entirety and take it to a competent mental health professional.  Do *not* go to a phony counselor of any sort. I now repeat the instruction for you to take this letter to a competent and highly-experienced mental health professional with a specialization in child psychology. Ask that professional this question:

"In taking my daughter Sarah to the Maryland State Senate to deliver an anti-gay-rights speech, was I truly doing what was best for her on her 14th birthday? Was I?"

You need to re-prioritize your parenting activities, Kathleen. With urgency, you need to think less about non-existent threats from gay people and more about the actual harm you are causing your own child.

Now to the promised line-by-line analysis of Sarah's speech to the Senators.

She started by saying: "Hi, I’m Sarah Crank. Today’s my 14th birthday, and it would be the best birthday present ever if you would vote ‘no’ on gay marriage."

ANALYSIS:  Votes on proposed laws are not cast as "birthday presents." As Sarah's home-schooling teaching authority, you should have taught Sarah that it is illogical to ask for an anti-gay rights law as a birthday present. That you approved of your daughter telling the Senators that her "best birthday present ever" would be the Senators' votes against marriage equality speaks volumes about what is corrupt, twisted and sick in your parenting of her. Additionally, this ludicrous emotional appeal from a girl to Senators created an impression that you were hoping to manipulate a "swing vote" among Senators -- who -- in reality -- have a professional obligation to the public *not* to decide their vote  -- on any proposed law because a 14-year-old said she wanted the proposed law defeated as her birthday present. If you have a defensive reaction to this "birthday present" analysis, and want to lash out, saying it is not accurate, again, I urge you -- for your daughter's sake -- to consult with a competent and highly-experienced child psychologist. You properly should believe that your daughter's mental and emotional health are more important than any aspect of your anti-gay-rights crusade. The current appearance is that you do not.

Sarah next said:  "I really feel bad for the kids who have two parents of the same gender."

ANALYSIS: With or without a marriage equality law in Maryland, there are same-gender couples raising children in the state. At issue is whether those same-sex Maryland couples raising children will have state-level legal parity with their heterosexual counterparts. Sarah was asking the Senate to keep those Maryland children being raised by same-sex parents legally disadvantaged. She was actually asking the Senators to keep certain other Maryland children legally disadvantaged because she "really" feels bad for them. That is duplicitous, and it absolutely is hate speech with a hateful goal. How can you sleep at night or live with yourself, Kathleen Crank, having sent your child to tell Senators that they should keep other people's children legally disadvantaged? I personally know a gay couple raising a child in Maryland. The child is one of the gay men's nieces; her heterosexual parents were killed in a car accident. Who are you and your daughter to keep that couple and their child legally disadvantaged in your state?  Who is Sarah Crank to say that she  "really feels sorry" for this orphaned Maryland child being raised by her uncle and his husband that she does not even know? She feels so sorry for that other little girl, in fact, that she is telling Senators to keep that other little girl legally disadvantaged. Who are you to incite your daughter to say such a ridiculous, hateful thing? It is hateful to tell Senators to keep other children legally disadvantaged because you are bigoted against gay human beings.

Sarah next said:  "Even though some kids feel like it’s fine, they have no idea what kind of wonderful experiences they miss out on."

ANALYSIS: In the aforementioned case of the orphaned child being raised by her gay uncle and that uncle's male spouse -- to cite one example -- it is hard to fathom what sort of "wonderful experiences" Sarah believes the child is missing out on. Were that child not with her uncle, she most likely would have become a ward of the state, hoping for people to adopt her. Does Sarah Crank allege that that child would be better off with heterosexual strangers than with the uncle who held her the day she was born and showered her with love as grew from babyhood to toddlerhood and then took her into his home as his own flesh-and-blood?  On its face, Sarah's statement is absurd, a shameful, lying, gay-bashing thing to say.

Sarah next said:  "I don’t want any more kids to get confused about what’s right and okay."

ANALYSIS: Sarah Crank is the one confused about "what's right and okay."  And it is you, Kathleen Crank, her homeschooling, gay-bashing bigot mother, who has confused her. It is not "right and okay" to keep children legally disadvantaged because they are being raised by same-sex couples.  It is not "right and okay" to deny equal protection under the law to an orphaned child and the gay uncle now raising her. Kathleen Crank -- you are not teaching your child to think through child-welfare-related questions and the law with anything resembling genuine concern for child welfare. Rather, you have indoctrinated her into thinking about such issues from a baseline of hate against, and bullying, irrational non-acceptance of all gay human beings. And that is a violation of your child's human rights. Every child has a human right to be guided well in acquiring thinking skills free from the ingrained, deranged, irrational horror-show judgments of a bigot. Your child might have received such guidance already, had she not been marooned in her home-schooling situation with you. That you took her to the Senate to deliver her lying bigoted hate-speech -- on her BIRTHDAY -- on what for other children was a school day, proves the point.

Sarah next said:  "I really don’t want to grow up in a world where marriage isn’t such a special thing anymore."

ANALYSIS: This statement demonstrates Sarah's ignorance of the world in which she is growing up. If the only measuring stick for whether marriage is "special" is its being restricted to heterosexual couples, then that would mean that abusive heterosexual parents are "special" to the children they are abusing, but non-abusive, married gay parents are not "special" for the children they are raising with love. Sarah's statements shows that her mother is not really teaching her the meaning of love. It shows that she is being taught that to make herself feel "special," she has to engage in beating a minority down. That is the pathological psychology of heterosupremacists. It is not mentally healthy. It has nothing to do with actual love. 

Sarah next said:  "It’s rather scary to think that when I grow up, the legislature or the court can change the definition of any word they want."

ANALYSIS: This statement contains an admission, Kathleen Crank, that you are teaching your child irrational fear of gay human beings. Why has Sarah been taught that it is "rather scary" that a legislature or court can change the definition of a word? In U.S. history, the word "voter" has been changed to include women.  Is Sarah unaware of that legal change in the definition of a word? There is a very long and shameful history of Jews being legally discriminated against in Maryland.  You, Kathleen Crank, justify your contempt for gay human beings with your extremist, terroristic interpretation of Christianity, and thus, it is relevant here to recall that colonial Maryland had laws that made it illegal not to believe in Jesus.  One such law read that "if any person shall hereafter within this province . . deny our Savior Jesus Christ to be the Son of God, or shall deny the Holy Trinity" he shall, for the first offense, be fined and have his tongue bored; for the second, fined and have his head burned; for the third, put to death. In Maryland, the words "voter" and "office holder" were not "re-defined" to include Jews until 1825 and 1826, and even then, Jews were required by the law to profess a belief in an alleged afterlife. Kathleen Crank; you have documentably failed to teach your daughter the history of legislatures and courts changing definitions of words for legal purposes. You are not a competent homeschooling parent. Your child-student does not know many basics of her state's history that many public school students by contrast do know.

Sarah next said:  "If they can change the definition of ‘marriage’, then they can change the definition of any word."

ANALYSIS: This statement draws additional attention to Kathleen Crank's failure to teach her daughter Sarah certain very fundamental basics of her state's and country's government. Hardly a law gets passed without changing the definition of at least one word. For example, every time a new criminal law is passed, the definition of "criminal" changes. Perhaps it should be criminal so to indoctrinate one's child with blinding hate that she goes before the Senate and makes statements revealing profound ignorance of how that Senate functions, redefining words every time it passes a new law.

Sarah next said:  "People have the choice to be gay, but I don’t want to be affected by their choice."

ANALYSIS: Which "people" is Sarah talking about? Psychiatry and psychology do not think that gay people have "chosen" to be gay. And, a heterosexual person could force themselves through the motions of homosexual sex, but could not in any meaningful way ever "choose" to be gay, as by definition, being heterosexual they will continue feeling sexual attraction for the opposite sex.  

Where Sarah said "I don't want to be affected by their choice," one has to presume from the context that she meant she believes that she personally would be negatively impacted by the fact of gay couples marrying. In alleging that, Sarah is fraudulently alleging a tort and also, she is defaming gay human beings. Her case is not persuasive. No judge could be persuaded with Sarah's statements that she will -- as she claims -- be done some personal harm through a marriage equality law.  Marriage equality will not prevent Sarah from marrying when she is of age. Marriage equality will not in any way limit Sarah's earning potential or limit her from applying for and/or from accepting a job. Just because Sarah has been taught to hate homos and does not want them to have equal protection under the law does not mean that when homos have equal protection under the law, Sarah will not.  Kathleen Crank has brainwashed her daughter Sarah into a delusional paranoid belief that marriage equality will cause her a personal harm. The mother's pathological, blind hatred of gays has left the daughter out of touch with reality.

Sarah next said: "People say that they were just born that way, but I’ve met really nice adults who did change."

ANALYSIS: Now, Sarah is feeding the Senators "evidence" that she is not credentialed to evaluate.  And, she is not giving the Senators adequate information about her claims, for the Senators to be able to evaluate her statement in a scientific light. Furthermore, by stating that gay people who allege to have "changed" into heterosexuals are "really nice adults," Sarah is implying that gay people who don't "change" into heterosexuals are not "really nice." Sarah's sentence is more reflective of stupidity and bigotry than of anything else. It does not at all take into account why gay people want marriage equality, nor does it provide evidence for why gay people who do not want to "change" into heterosexuals should not have equality.  Furthermore, on a site where Kathleen Crank was very heavily involved with gay bashing in the context of defending Sarah's Senate anti-gay hate speech presentation, a gay married man with adopted children offered -- more than once -- to communicate with Kathleen and Sarah so that they could meet some "really nice" people in a gay-led family. Kathleen flatly refused the communication. She is keeping Sarah isolated from gay-led families in order to promote Sarah as her proxy political anti-gay bigot. 

Sarah finished by saying: "So please vote ‘no’ on gay marriage. Thank you."

ANALYSIS: Kathleen Crank is blinded by fanatical anti-gay bigotry, to such a degree that -- at least at times  -- she is unable to make the best possible educational and life decisions for her daughter Sarah. In the event that one of Kathleen's children were actually to be gay, Kathleen's lack of scientific understanding of and human empathy for gay human beings would likely make it impossible for such an eventual gay child to feel emotionally safe in the home. Still less would the child likely ever feel safe coming out to this fire-breathing-anti-gay-bigot mother. Sarah is having her intellect circumscribed by her fanatical mother; the mother's hateful indoctrination of the child has even extended to the child's not having a basic grasp of how U.S. lawmakers function, though the child is already 14 and though many 14-year-olds have learned such things in civics classes. The mother's exploitations of the child as a political proxy for anti-gay hatreds is not appropriate to the child's development. Kathleen Crank should now feel utmost urgency about getting mental health assistance from a competent and highly-experience child psychology specialist. Kathleen Crank needs to focus on and worry less about what gay people and their heterosexual supporters are doing, and more on what she is inflicting on her poor child, so that she can begin to stop inflicting all of it on her. It is toxic to the child; it is not healthy. The contact number in Prince George County, Maryland for reporting mental abuse of a child there is (301) 909-7022.

Scott Rose

1 comment:

  1. You were brilliant in your analysis of what the girl said.
    As a sixteen year old gay androgynous person, I disregarded what the girl said, instead focusing on what the girl's words reflected about her parents (much like you did).
    I was and am being brought up by conservative Christian fundamentalist parents, and I thank the god that I no longer believe in every day that I am queer because I can't imagine what a bigoted little shit I would be today if I didn't have my unusual perspective on life.
    I think it's quite funny that anti-gay people are so convinced that gay people will change the very fabric of society and law with their homosexuality. They think that being queer is that tempting and influential? Gee, thanks!
