Thursday, August 25, 2011


by Scott Rose

Jerry Buell is the piece-of-shit gay-bashing "teacher" at Mount Dora High School alleged once to have said in class that gays should serve on the front line of the military with heterosexual troops deserting them from behind.

I call him a piece of shit, because his supporters are such vicious anti-gay bigots that no matter how polite one were in writing about him and them, nothing would change them.  (And furthermore, polite language will not get the more enlightened segments of society to take adequate action to protect LGBT students at Mount Dora High School, either).  So what the fuck?  Lake County, Florida is dominated by gay-bashing zombies, incurably addicted to using God and Jesus as alibis to bully LGBT human beings in the schools and in society generally.

I asked the student who told an Orlando Sentinel reporter about Buell's anti-gay hate speech involving the military if he had ever reported, to school authorities, how he as a gay student was persecuted in the Lake County Schools.  He told me that he never reported how students or Buell or other teachers and adminsitrators were gay-bashing him, because given the district's general hostility against LGBTers, he thought doing so would be futile.  Remember; this is the part of the country where the influential Republican blogger Dr. Rich Swier keeps on saying that anti-gay bullying is a "healthy" form of peer pressure.  And, most likely, for a student to report being gay-bashed to the authorities would be even worse than futile, as it is probable that all these self-righteous Bible thumping gay bashers would retaliate against any student who complained of being abused by them.  I know for certain, such retaliation takes place against gay-bashed students in Florida's public schools.

A cached web page of Buell's faculty biography on the Mount Dora High School site had him carrying on about how he tries to teach as though he were Jesus Christ (and don't forget; with respect to gay human being's love relationships, Jesus Christ, er, I mean, Jerry Buell said "God will not be mocked!")  Elsewhere in his bio, Buell said that he takes his yearly vacations to "get that mental enema."  Too bad there isn't any mental enema powerful enough to flush the gay-bashing bullshit out of this smug asshole bigot's head.

Now before people fly off their toilet seats criticizing me for taking up the enema talk that the Holy fool Jerky Dumbbuell himself started, I want readers to think about this: at an anti-gay hate rally sponsored by the National Organization for Marriage in May, a Jesus-loving preacher yelled through a megaphone that homosexuals are "worthy to death."  NOM spent its summer spreading irrational, religious-based anti-gay hate in Iowa and got the professional political gay-basher Michele Bachmann to sign the viciously anti-gay NOM "pledge."  This past weekend in Bachmann's hometown of Waterloo, Iowa, Marcellus Andrews, a 19-year-old gay male, was beaten to death by people yelling "Faggot!" at him.

Now where is the enema that could finally rid U.S. society of this unbearable and shameful shit?  Jerky Dumbbuell's self-described yearly mental enemas are manifestly not adequate to the colossal task.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you,sir. As much as I deplore the endorsement of fascist behavior,even against fascists,perhaps Mr. Buell's enema could be accomplished via the Mussolini Method:ingestion of copious doses of castor oil.
