Wednesday, July 13, 2011


by Scott Rose

The asshole Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz, Sr. is not satisfied with having incited hoards of gay-bashing haters to discrimination and violence in May.  He now is in a conspiracy with NOM's whores for bigotry to protest gay human beings' love with his hellish hate, even going so far as to urge the virulently anti-LGBT bigot Archbishop Timothy Dolan to join him in protesting love.

I called the bigoted asshole's office and asked "Why is Senator Diaz giving priority to protesting love instead of to fighting poverty in the Bronx?"

The vicious bigoted asshole's receptionist told me "Because Senator Diaz is a Reverend, and he is bound by the Bible."

There you have it.  The malicious anti-LGBT Ruben Diaz, Sr. thinks it is more important to carry out Bible-based gay-bashing than it is to follow the Bible's directions to help the poor.

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