Sunday, July 10, 2011


by Scott Rose

The deviously named, viciously anti-gay National Organization for Marriage and its head whores, Maggie Gallagher and Brian Brown, will stop at nothing to fan the flames of anti-LGBT bigotry in order to stimulate donations to their vile hate group.  These people are hookers for hate, base whores.

NOM has announced an intention to "protest" the issuing of marriage licenses to gay New Yorkers through their latest money hiding scam Let the People Vote.  With this move, NOM has proven it is in a category with Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church.

It is not legitimate to protest the issuing of marriage licenses.  The victims of this harassment are not only those applying for the marriage licenses.  As has been manifest in umpteen ways, countless heterosexual parents of gay people, and brothers and sisters of gay people, and friends of gay people, et cetera, take joy from their friends' and relatives' personal love commitments and want to see them honored with equality.  When a gay couple marries, they become a loving part of the entire circle of their two respective families.  This love is to be celebrated.  Hateful protests of this beautiful big circle of love are just that; hateful.

LGBT Americans should understand that every time they enter into point-by-point debates over their equality with an anti-LGBT bigot, they are validating the bigot and allowing themselves to be harassed by that bigot.  Formulating a definition of anti-LGBT hate speech is not difficult; Anything less than acceptance of and support for the equality of one's LGBT fellow citizens is anti-LGBT hate speech.  Gallagher relentlessly engages in obviously unacceptable anti-LGBT hate speech, as a strategy for stimulating monetary donations to her anti-LGBT hate group.  What other minority has to suffer this level of constant attack in America today?  Any person straight or gay who does not comprehend that Gallagher's anti-LGBT hate speech is far more offensive and dangerous than the use of mere curse words needs to rethink the matter.

Over the past few months, I have been conducting an experiment with one of NOM's head whores, whom I contacted using these email addresses: mailto:maggiegallagher1960@gmail.comSometimes, I sent her simply a question, for example; "What about LGBT equality do you say takes away from your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness?"  When I send such an e-mail, I get no response.  Other times though, I will send that very same question, in a profanity-laced e-mail calling Maggie Gallagher a whore.  Gallagher then responds, not by answering the pertinent questions but with a goody-two-shoes comment about the curse words. 

Yet, nothing about the curse words negates the relevance of the substantive questions.  There is nothing about LGBT-equality that takes away from Maggot Gagginwhore's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.  And, it would not be asking too much to ask President Obama to pose the question to Maggot Gagginwhore in public: "What about LGBT-equality takes away from your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness?"  In the meantime, though, as many people as possible should be e-mailing Gallagher with the question "What about LGBT-equality takes away from your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness?"  No curse words necessary.  Just millions of curious people, each demanding to know "What about LGBT-equality takes away from your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness?" If you are on Twitter you can tweet MaggieMarriage and Brian Brown and fill up NOMTWEETS page, too.

I admit, there is for me a heightened personal aspect motivating me to counter Maggot Gagginwhore's vicious anti-LGBT bigotry.  In the Lexington, Mass. junior high-schools, I was a target for anti-gay bullies.  Many years after I left those schools, Lexington began an equality curiculum, protested by antigay bigoted parents, whose court case was dismissed.  Maggot Gagginwhore and others like her have made Lexington a nation-wide example, for a very evil reason.  Gagginwhore stokes the flames of bigotry by pointing to Lexington as an example of how parents' "rights" to teach their children to be anti-gay bullies are being taken away.  PolitiFacts proved those bigots' allegations to be gay bashing propaganda.  It's enough to make me want to fling Maggot Gagginwhore violently up against a locker, or to spit in her face, as was done to me in the Lexington junior high schools.  Not that I ever would do such things, but -- we should be mindful that the anti-LGBT bullies still do act out violently against gay victims, sometimes inspired by the Maggie Gallaghers of this world.

Gagginwhore's and Brown(shirts)'s main objective in organizing "protests" of the issuing of marriage licenses is to stimulate donations to their anti-LGBT hate group, donations that they hide violating campaign and lobbying finance laws in states nationwide, as reported by gay presidential candidate Fred Karger, who is not going to let them get away with their alleged felonious crimes .  Please join me in calling Gallagher and Brown hateful whores.


  1. Straight people...unite with the LGBT community in doing the right thing! We have got to help each other in this affront to humanity.

  2. They ARE actually hateful WHORES, as opposed to sluts- because whores get PAID. Interestingly, WBC operates on pretty much the same principle - it's nothing more than a money-making enterprise to support the Phelps clan. I don't think they entirely disbelieve their manifesto: but there is a cynical, mercenary element to it, in which they deliberately incite anger because the more attention the attract, the more they profiteer for having their freedom of speech and rights infringed upon (I know). So there you have it- the lowest of the low on our planet- People that knowingly incite anger, violence, and sometimes even murder for a pay check. I really do know sluts with more morals than the demons of NOM and WBC. They honestly should be put on a boat and torpedoed over deep water for the good of society.
