Thursday, August 25, 2011


by Scott Rose

Jerry Buell is the piece-of-shit gay-bashing "teacher" at Mount Dora High School alleged once to have said in class that gays should serve on the front line of the military with heterosexual troops deserting them from behind.

I call him a piece of shit, because his supporters are such vicious anti-gay bigots that no matter how polite one were in writing about him and them, nothing would change them.  (And furthermore, polite language will not get the more enlightened segments of society to take adequate action to protect LGBT students at Mount Dora High School, either).  So what the fuck?  Lake County, Florida is dominated by gay-bashing zombies, incurably addicted to using God and Jesus as alibis to bully LGBT human beings in the schools and in society generally.

I asked the student who told an Orlando Sentinel reporter about Buell's anti-gay hate speech involving the military if he had ever reported, to school authorities, how he as a gay student was persecuted in the Lake County Schools.  He told me that he never reported how students or Buell or other teachers and adminsitrators were gay-bashing him, because given the district's general hostility against LGBTers, he thought doing so would be futile.  Remember; this is the part of the country where the influential Republican blogger Dr. Rich Swier keeps on saying that anti-gay bullying is a "healthy" form of peer pressure.  And, most likely, for a student to report being gay-bashed to the authorities would be even worse than futile, as it is probable that all these self-righteous Bible thumping gay bashers would retaliate against any student who complained of being abused by them.  I know for certain, such retaliation takes place against gay-bashed students in Florida's public schools.

A cached web page of Buell's faculty biography on the Mount Dora High School site had him carrying on about how he tries to teach as though he were Jesus Christ (and don't forget; with respect to gay human being's love relationships, Jesus Christ, er, I mean, Jerry Buell said "God will not be mocked!")  Elsewhere in his bio, Buell said that he takes his yearly vacations to "get that mental enema."  Too bad there isn't any mental enema powerful enough to flush the gay-bashing bullshit out of this smug asshole bigot's head.

Now before people fly off their toilet seats criticizing me for taking up the enema talk that the Holy fool Jerky Dumbbuell himself started, I want readers to think about this: at an anti-gay hate rally sponsored by the National Organization for Marriage in May, a Jesus-loving preacher yelled through a megaphone that homosexuals are "worthy to death."  NOM spent its summer spreading irrational, religious-based anti-gay hate in Iowa and got the professional political gay-basher Michele Bachmann to sign the viciously anti-gay NOM "pledge."  This past weekend in Bachmann's hometown of Waterloo, Iowa, Marcellus Andrews, a 19-year-old gay male, was beaten to death by people yelling "Faggot!" at him.

Now where is the enema that could finally rid U.S. society of this unbearable and shameful shit?  Jerky Dumbbuell's self-described yearly mental enemas are manifestly not adequate to the colossal task.

Monday, August 22, 2011



            Jerry Buell heads the social studies department at Mount Dora High School in Florida.  Recently, the Lake County Schools district temporarily transferred Buell to an administrative job after he gay-bashed on Facebook, to a public of about 700 “friends” who reportedly included some of his school’s current students.
            Buell said that for gay people to be granted marriage equality almost makes him throw up.  He likened gay civil unions to a cesspool.  The root of his rabid and unshakable support for sexual orientation apartheid is religious; he has referred to marriage equality as “sin,” and said “God will not be mocked.”  If you replaced his word “God” with Allah and said that “Allah will not be mocked” by homosexuals finally being granted their inalienable equal rights, you could just as well be quoting a demented Iranian Ayatollah as the head of a high school social studies department in the United States.
            And yet, Buell was once named Mount Dora’s teacher of the year.  He is the school’s faculty advisor for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, whose membership contract commits signers to abstaining from homosexuality for life.  Buell and his Fellowship want others to believe that their gay-bashing vision of Christianity is the only authentic vision for the religion, as though the Presbyterian, Episcopalian and Lutheran Churches did not ordain out married gay and/or lesbian ministers.
            A graduate of Mount Dora High School saw Buell’s gay bashing on Facebook.  After Buell knew he was alienating student Facebook friends less narrow-minded than he, but before he grasped that his actions would eventually be investigated by his employer, he lashed out at those who criticized him for his irrational gay bashing.  On Facebook, he published this: "If one doesn't like the most recently posted opinion, based on Biblical principals (sic) and God's law, then go ahead and un-friend me. I'll miss you like I miss my kidney stone from 1994." 
Facebook pages in support of Buell are crammed chockablock with ominous anti-gay bigotry.  One Buell supporter wrote:  “I am so glad that your students have you for their role model.”  Andother said: "Who do you think made Mr. Buell the kind of teacher who receives a teacher of the year award?  God of course! I don't know him but at least on this one point he is supporting biblical views of homosexuality."  Yet another of the gay-bashing Buells fans said:I hate the gay right movement too Jerry as a Christian I going to stand for what I believe in”.
            Against that background, the Lake County Schools anti-discrimination policy and its student code of conduct do not include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity and expression” as protected groups.  This fact raises grave concerns that the community could be bullying its gay students while considering anti-gay bullying a “healthy” form of peer pressure, as per the egregious anti-gay hate speech of the dangerously influential Republican blogger Dr. Rich Swier, who operates out of central Florida.
            This reporter asked the Lake County Schools if they plan now to add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity and expression” to their anti-discrimination policy and code of student conduct.  The district’s attorneys, apparently, have told them not to furnish me with a comment.  The Mount Dora, Fla. community appears to be more concerned with protecting a gay bashing social studies department head than with making sure its gay students have a safe and nurturing learning environment.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Minnesota Public Radio's Integrity Problem

Gay-bashing lunacy on the move!

by Scott Rose

Scandal surrounds the publication in MPR's "Commentary" pages of an absolutely ridiculous essay slopped together by Carrie Daklin, an apparent gay-basher. 

Daklin's dumb diatribe is titled Franken Missed An Opportunity to be Kind to a Witness.  Daklin lands into Senator Franken because -- get this! -- he wouldn't stand for Focus on the Family's Tom Minnery committing perjury at a Senate hearing. The hearing regarded proposed repeal of the notoriously anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act, which was signed into law by a heterosexual adulterer.

Daklin's main point, that Senator Franken should have been "kinder" to a gay-bashing witness guilty of perjury, is too disingenuously cutsie to merit examination. Nonetheless, as 1) Minnery's aims are maliciously anti-gay, and 2) as Daklin defended Minnery in his viciously anti-gay aims, it is 3) notable, and suspect, that the malignant National Organization for Marriage almost instantaneously reproduced Daklin's anti-gay, anti-Franken idiocy on its NOM blog. Readers are reminded that at a NOM-sponsored anti-gay hate rally in May in the Bronx, a Christofascist extremist hollered through a megaphone at a mob of gay-bashers that homosexuals are "worthy to death."  How kind of them - and how very kind of Carrie Daklin, also, now to give NOM grist for its gay-bashing propaganda mill.

Attempting to clarify whether Daklin is in cahoots with NOM, or just a naive dolt, or something, this reporter contacted her to pose the following three questions.  1) Do you favor full legal equality for LGBT Americans?  2) Do you support NOM's mission?  3)  Are you aware of Focus on the Family's history of maliciously distorting evidence in order to incite discrimination against LGBTers?

Instead of answering those questions, Daklin grew pathologically defensive. She claims she was only interested in the matter of civility, and that to her taste, Senator Franken was not "civil" enough to Minnery.  Daklin has never acknowledged that Minnery is guilty of perjury.  Daklin has never said whether she thinks Minnery is being "civil" with his unrepentant political malice against gay human beings.

As of this writing, NOM is using Carrie Daklin's photo on the NOM blog alongside excerpts from her gay-bashing, Franken-bashing drivel. Daklin personally had supplied the photo to MPR, meaning, if she told NOM that they may not use her photo, NOM would have to remove Daklin's photo from the NOM blog.  I told that to Daklin, and apparently, Daklin did not act.  The appearance is exceedingly strong that Daklin approves of NOM's use of her photo.

Additionally, online research of campaign contribution records shows that many Minnesota Public Radio Board members donated to the Senate campaign of Al Franken's Republican rival, Norm Coleman.  Coleman is a rabid opponent of marriage equality at the state and national levels.

Carrie Daklin could very easily dispel the appearance that she is a gay-bashing NOM shill, by unambiguously stating support for LGBT equality and opposition to NOM's anti-gay hate speech. (It's the kind thing for her to do).  MPR could very easily dispel the appearance that it is thumbing its nose at integrity, by having all of its Board members sign a declaration that 1) perjury is intolerable in U.S. Senate hearings and 2) Senator Franken is to be commended for having detected Minnery's perjury and for having called him out on it.

Failing those actions, Daklin must be presumed a NOM-collaborator, and MPR a Daklin-NOM enabler, with motives of the most highly dubious sort.